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Why you should contact our agency?

Welcome to Meshiti Real Estate Agency and to our website www.meshiti.com 

Our base is in Limassol, Cyprus.

The scope of establishing this website is to empower the buyers, the sellers and the property owners, with the information they need in order to decide

   - To buy

   - To sell

   - To let 

The visitors of this website will quickly find out that we focus only on quality property  listings, carefully selected only if 

- they have been well constructed

- they are worth the money

- they face no problems with receiving the title deeds 


Click to search a quality property in Lemesos, for

- houses, villas for sale

- houses, villas for rent  

- apartments for sale ,

- executive apartments for rent, 

 - commercial properties for sale

 - residential land, plots



 Contact Us

  - to view your quality property

  - to make the search for you

  - you can see what are the clients requests, you can match with your property 

 This website lists a large range of properties of the local markert (Lemesos, Cyprus), some newly built properties and some properties for rent in Famagusta and few properties for sale in Paphos and in Larnaca. 

Focused on the Lemesos market, we are able to handle the right property for the right price and we always keep an eye on how the market is moving.  

We have not listed all the properties we handle.

There might be recent listings which have not yet  been entered into the system. 

Contact us to find more for you.   

For rentals and more resale properties, you can visit our website www.limassolrents.com 

Enjoy the tour of your property finder www.meshiti.com .

Feel free to consult us!!

Why to invest in Cyprus?

Thousands of people over the last 20 years have invested in Cyprus, as considered to be a popular destination for property purchase.

The excellent climate with nearly 9 months of sunshine, the  blue flag beaches, but ofcourse the Cyprus hospitality have been the most attractive reasons so far.

Moreover, the opportunity of high yield investments in Cyprus, have encouraged more and more investors to buy a property here and especially in Limassol (Lemesos).

Buy a property in Limassol and rent it out very quickly. 

Buy a property close to the sea and rent it to the tourists, or keep it for your holidays.

Buy a property within the Central Limassol and rent it quickly, either to the local market, to students, to Companies for their employees.

Limassol is reachable within about 30 minutes max, from the Eastern to the Western, therefore no matter the location of the property is, to rent it out, it is just a matter of time.   

The demand of rentals is huge.

In addition, due to the short distances between the cities, living in Limassol gives you easy access to all the cities of Cyprus.  For that reason the demand of Limassol properties will always be high. 

Buy land and sell it after few years and get your profit.


First step for you is to give us a clear idea of your inquiry and your budget.

We shall give you a picture of the prices according to the area and the type of property.

We shall  prepare a two-three-day tour for you to show you the right property according to the requirements.

We shall propose an independent lawyer to consult you as regard to the documents, your permit to buy, the contract of purchase and the percentage of deposit  which is required according to the property you have chosen.

We shall be with you during all the process, until you will finally get your keys of your property and you will be happy for that !!

Invest in Limassol, Cyprus, invest with us for quality properties. 


Non EU Citizens willing to buy property in Cyprus

As regards a prospective buyer who is a national of a country that is outside the European Union (third country), they would have to be fully aware of and compliant with the Immovable Property Acquisition (Aliens) Law (ΚΕΦ.109), as it has been revised to this day and / or the applicable Laws and Regulations regulating the acquisition of immovable property by third-country nationals. The Law limits the types of property that a third-country national may acquire in the Republic of Cyprus and also requires the acquisition of a permit from the Cabinet. The Office will not be held liable in any way, shape or form, for any damages, misunderstandings and / or any form of loss that a prospective buyer may incur because of provisions of the Immovable Property Acquisition (Aliens) Law (ΚΕΦ.109) and / or the applicable Laws and Regulations that regulate the acquisition of property by third-country nationals. The prospective buyer will always be liable to pay the fees of the Office and / or fees for services of a real-estate agent, if such services have been provided, regardless of whether the prospective buyer has managed to acquire any and all permits and / or documents required for acquiring immovable property in Cyprus or for their legal stay and / or residence in Cyprus. It is the duty of the prospective buyer to be fully informed of the applicable Laws and Regulations on the day that they wish to engage with the Office to receive services of a real-estate agent and / or proceed with an offer for the acquisition of immovable property.

Ενδιαφερόμενοι αγοραστές τρίτων χωρών

Η έκταση γης που χορηγείται είναι η απόλυτα αναγκαία για την ανέγερση υποστατικού για κατοικία η επαγγελματική στέγη ή το μέγιστο 2676 τ.μ.

Άδεια για απόκτηση ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας από αλλοδαπό, αν αυτή υπερβαίνει την απολύτως αναγκαία έκταση για την ανέγερση υποστατικού για κατοικία ή επαγγελματική στέγη ή την έκταση των 2676 τ.μ., χορηγείται μόνο για σκοπούς:

(α) Κατοικίας, εφόσον αυτή προορίζεται για ιδιοκατοίκηση και αφορά γη που δεν υπερβαίνει την έκταση των 4014 τ.μ.

(β) Επαγγελματικής ή εμπορικής στέγης (γ) Βιομηχανίας σε τομείς οι οποίοι κρίνονται από το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο επωφελείς για την κυπριακή οικονομία και δεδομένου ότι η απόκτηση της ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας σχετίζεται με παραγωγή προϊόντων ή με βιομηχανίες που προϋποθέτουν τη χρήση νέας τεχνολογίας ή και τεχνογνωσίας.

Ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία - Νόμος περί αλλοδαπών Κεφ. 109

Περί Κτήσεως Ακινήτου Ιδιοκτησίας (Αλλοδαποί) Νόμου, Κεφ. 109 3(1). Απαγορεύεται η υπό αλλοδαπού κτήσις, άλλως ή αιτία θανάτου, ακινήτου ιδιοκτησίας άνευ προηγουμένης αδείας του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου." Στην άσκηση της εξουσίας που παρέχεται με το άρθρο 3(1) δεν τίθενται όροι, περιορισμοί, προϋποθέσεις και κριτήρια. Ωστόσο στο άρθρο 3(1Α) διαλαμβάνεται ότι: 3(1Α). Οσάκις η κτήσις ακινήτου ιδιοκτησίας υπερβαίνει την απολύτως αναγκαίαν έκτασιν διά την ανέγερσιν υποστατικού διά κατοικίαν ή επαγγελματικήν στέγην και εν πάση περιπτώσει υπερβαίνει την έκτασιν των δύο σκαλών, η υπό του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου χορηγούμενη άδεια θα υπόκειται ωσαύτως εις τοιούτους όρους, περιορισμούς, προϋποθέσεις και κριτήρια τα οποία ήθελον καθορισθή διά Κανονισμών εκδιδομένων υπό του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου και εγκρινομένων υπό της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων." Κ.Δ.Π. 78/97 «Νοείται οτι η χορήγηση αδείας δυνάμει του παρόντος Κανονισμού είναι δυνατή μόνο για- (α) Απόκτηση διαμερίσματος ή κατοικίας/έπαυλης, που είναι ήδη κτισμένη ή είναι υπό ανέγερση. Η έκταση του ακινήτου που αποκτάται θα είναι περιορισμένη και δε θα υπερβαίνει τις τρεις σκάλες και με τον όρο ότι δε θα είναι δυνατή η ανέγερση οποιασδήποτε πρόσθετης οικοδομής, πέραν της υφισταμένης επί του συγκεκριμένου τεμαχίου γης· (β) απόκτηση οικοπέδου ή τεμαχίου γης περιορισμένης έκτασης, το οποίο δε θα υπερβαίνει τις τρεις σκάλες, με τον απαράβατο όρο ότι θα κτισθεί μόνο μια κατοικία ή οικοδομή, εντός εύλογου χρονικού διαστήματος από την ημέρα της έγκρισης της αίτησης για χορήγηση της αναγκαίας προς τούτο άδειας, και η οποία θα χρησιμοποιείται αποκλειστικά για ιδιοκατοίκηση· (γ) απόκτηση γης, για ανέγερση γραφείων ή υποστατικών ή αγορά ήδη κτισμένου υποστατικού ή υπό ανέγερση υποστατικού για σκοπούς επαγγελματικής ή εμπορικής στέγης. Σε περίπτωση . αγοράς γης θα καθορίζεται επακριβώς στην άδεια η ολική έκταση της περιγραφόμενης ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας, ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες του αιτητή, ώστε να μην επιτρέπεται η απόκτηση απεριόριστης έκτασης γης, για τυχόν μελλοντικές ανάγκες.»

Αγορά ακινήτου από αλλοδαπό ζεύγος

Τι μπορεί να αγοράσει αλλοδαπό ζεύγος (Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών): Προϋποθέσεις: Σε αλλοδαπό ή ζεύγος αλλοδαπών είναι δυνατό να παραχωρηθεί άδεια για απόκτηση: 1. Οικοπέδου ή γης που δεν έχει διαχωρισθεί σε οικόπεδα με έκταση μέχρι 4000 τ.μ, για την ανέγερση κατοικίας για ιδιοκατοίκηση. Σε περίπτωση ζεύγους παραχωρείται μόνο μία άδεια ως ανωτέρω. Ή 2. Μέχρι δύο μονάδων οι οποίες μπορεί να βρίσκονται σε διαφορετική ανάπτυξη. Οι μονάδες αυτές μπορεί να αφορούν είτε δύο μονάδες κατοικίας είτε μία μονάδα κατοικίας και κατάστημα μέχρι 100τ.μ. είτε μια μονάδα κατοικίας και γραφείο με εμβαδόν μέχρι 250τ.μ. Σε περίπτωση ζεύγους ο ανωτέρω περιορισμός ισχύει συνολικά για το ζεύγος. ++++ Σχετική Νομοθεσία, Κανονιστικές Διοικητικές Πράξεις, και Ιστοσελίδες Σχετικών Υπηρεσιών : 1. Ο περί Κτήσης Ακίνητης Ιδιοκτησίας (Αλλοδαποί) Νόμος (ΚΕΦ.109) 2. ΚΔΠ 374/1990 3. ΚΔΠ 78/1997 4. ΚΔΠ 534/2004 5. Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας https://portal.dls.moi.gov.cy/

Should I pay VAT if I buy land ?

As regard to the New Legislation for VAT charge on land / plots, (all type of land, apart of agriculture land)

we insist that the owners should get in contact with the VAT Offices, so that to check if the property they plan to sell, is vat chargeable. 

For the owners who own land/plot 'as a share' , thus part of the land belongs to another owner, we insist that all the owners will get in contact with the VAT offices. 

Such charge should be notified to the prospective buyer by our agency, before the process of purchase.   

The vat charge on land where is applicable is 19 pct. 

Those owners who shall construct there resident in the land for which they have paid 19% vat, they have to prove that such property is their residence so that the authorities shall return the 14% of the charged amount back to their account.   To prove that they have to furnish the relevant authorities with the 1st bill of electricity which shows their name. 

In case your property is handled by our agency, please notify us the soonest, in case there is a vat charge. 

There might be cases with lands / plots for sale advertised in our website for which we have not yet been notified whether there will be a vat charge by the owners, or not.  Therefore, please ask us, in case it is not mentioned a vat charge.  

Buying Property in Limassol

Buying property in Limassol

Meshiti Real Estate Agency, handling the property portals: meshiti.com , limassolrents.com, as well as bidsonbids.net, represented all by an experienced and established real estate agency which handles a high-end portfolio of affordable, quality built properties, comprising:

 as well as Investment Packages for  Limassol / Lemesos, Cyprus which is the cityy with the highest demand for investment purposes. 

Why you should choose us?

We are in constant touch with the local market conditions… providing home buyers, sellers and owners with upto-the minute information needed to make that crucial decision over when to buy, sell or let their property.

The Cyprus real estate market tends to be traditionally divided between the major urban areas of Limassol, Larnaca and Nicosia.

We know who our customers are and their different needs… whether you are a first-time buyer looking for an affordable property to raise your family or an overseas buyer looking for a retirement home in the sun.

We prepare a two-three-day viewing tour to show you the right property… our experienced and knowledgeable team specializes in providing clear advice and guidance to those looking to purchase a property as a long term safe investment, often but not exclusively, for family members.

We will propose an independent lawyer to consult with you over all the required documents… including your permit to buy, the contract of purchase and the deposit amount required.

We are with you every step of the way… from the first inquiry to handing over the keys.


Access to Title Deeds

The long term benefits of investing in property in and around Limassol are today very favorable and transactions are on the rise. Previous issues that could have prevented gaining access to title deeds have been resolved following the regulatory reforms of the ‘Trapped Buyers Law 2015”, which provides greater transparency.

Consequently, the Cyprus’ housing market is currently enjoying a significant boom period, which is expected to continue.


Property Sales in Limassol, going forward

Cyprus has a long history as a popular destination for property purchase, offering buyers near all-year around sunshine and stunning beaches, certificated to Blue flag standards of water quality, facilities and environment.

With its airport providing direct, year-round flights to the UK, the most popular area for British buyers has traditionally been Paphos in the south-west, and the surrounding villages.

However, Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus, after the capital, Nicosia, and easily reached within 20 minutes from any point across the island.

Since the opening of the 650-berth Limassol Marina in 2014, adjacent to the old port, the entire region has enjoyed the benefit of renewed interest from international property buyers. Recent favorable property prices have also attracted investment and an uptick in transactions from buyers who recognize the future is increasingly focused in Limassol, going forward.

Καριέρα στα κτηματομεσιτικά

Ξεκινήσετε Καριέρα Στα Κτηματομεσιτικά Σήμερα!!

To κτηματομεσιτικό μας γραφείο, ζητά  άτομο

για να εργαστεί ως βοηθός κτηματομεσίτης αποκλειστικά στο τμήμα προώθησης ακινήτων προς πώληση. 

Ευέλικτο ωράριο, και ευχάριστο περιβάλλον. 

Θα προτιμηθεί νεαρό άτομο που και θα τύχει της κατάλληλης εκπαίδευσης.

Το γραφείο μας βρίσκεται στο εμπορικό κέντρο της Λεμεσού.  Βιογραφικό: meshiti@meshiti.com   


Registered & Licensed Real Estate Agent  Mrs. Rita Meshiti - Reg. No. 904 - License No. 450

Limassol - Cyprus

(καταχωρήθηκε Ιανουάριος /23) 

Non - EU Citizens ('Aliens') - Acquisition of immo

Regarding the Acquisition by Non-EU Citizens (“Aliens”) of Immovable Property in the Republic of Cyprus


As per the Immovable Property Acquisition (Aliens) Law (Cap.109), non-EU citizens (“Aliens”) can purchase immovable property in Cyprus only after they have received permission from the Council of Ministers, which they will need to apply for in written form after they have signed the contract of purchase.


The Law limits the types of property that a third-country national may acquire in the Republic of Cyprus. Such immovable property can include:


An apartment or house,

A luxurious residence on a plot that does not exceed 4014 square meters,

A plot that does not exceed the total area of ​​4014 square meters, provided that a house is to be built soon.



It should be noted that for the acquisition of larger lands or other types of real estate (offices, commercial, industrial buildings, etc.), a permit may be granted under certain conditions.


Leases of a duration of more than 33 years are treated by the Law in the same way as a purchase of the above.



You are reminded that the above information is listed only for informative purposes. The above does not exhaust the relevant laws and regulations that apply regarding the acquisition of property by aliens in the Republic of Cyprus. It is your responsibility to acquire the necessary knowledge and information. You should always seek independent legal advice before proceeding with any of the above procedures.


The Office will not be held liable in any way, shape or form, for any damages, misunderstandings and / or any form of loss that a prospective buyer may incur because of provisions of the and / or the applicable Laws and Regulations that regulate the acquisition of property by third-country nationals. The prospective buyer will always be liable to pay the fees of the Office and / or fees for services of a real-estate agent, if such services have been provided, regardless of whether the prospective buyer has managed to acquire any and all permits and / or documents required for acquiring immovable property in Cyprus or for their legal stay and / or residence in Cyprus. It is the duty of the prospective buyer to be fully informed of the applicable Laws and Regulations on the day that they wish to engage with the Office to receive services of a real-estate agent and / or proceed with an offer for the acquisition of immovable property.



Regarding the acquisition of an Immigration Permit by Non-EU Citizens (“Aliens”) through investment in immovable property


For the acquisition of an Immigration Permit by Non-EU Citizens (“Aliens”) through investment in immovable property, the applicant must invest at least €300,000 as following:


(A) Investment in a house/apartment: Purchase of up to two houses or apartments from a development company or two different development companies, which should concern a first sale of at least €300,000 (plus VAT) or, if purchasing two house or apartments, a total of at least €300,000 (plus VAT).


(B) Investment in real estate (excluding houses/apartments): Purchase of other types of real estate such as offices, shops, hotels or related estate developments or a combination of these with a total value of €300,000. The purchase of interest can be the result of a resale/sale of a used property.


It is clarified that investment in a house/apartment concerns a sale of a new unit (or two new units), whereas other types of real estate (excluding houses/apartments) can concern a resale or a number of resales that total a value of at least €300,000.


It should be noted that there are various ways to acquire an immigration permit and we have only listed the avenues regarding investment in immovable property, as per the guidance of the Civil Registry and Migration Department.


You are reminded that the above information is listed only for informative purposes. The above does not exhaust the relevant laws and regulations that apply regarding the acquisition of property of immigration permits by aliens in the Republic of Cyprus. It is your responsibility to acquire the necessary knowledge and information. You should always seek independent legal advice before proceeding with any of the above procedures.


The Office will not be held liable in any way, shape or form, for any damages, misunderstandings and / or any form of loss that a prospective buyer may incur because of provisions of the and / or the applicable Laws and Regulations that regulate the acquisition of property or immigration permits by third-country nationals.